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Masterbill Academy - A Great Resource

In the ten months since its launch in March 2020 The Masterbill Academy has enabled over 130 users to undertake training at a convenient time, at their own pace and in their chosen location.

With recent additions of the Getting Started with QSCadv4 Siteworks course and the Drawing Management Masterclass we are convinced that even more of our customers will agree with one satisfied customer who emailed to tell us...

"Just completed the training module and thought I would let you know that I thought it was excellent"

In the last few months we have worked to make sure that all Masterbill Academy courses not only include a Comprehensive Training Manual and Searchable Videos but also a Quick Reference Document to enable you to use your completed courses for years to come.

Masterbill Academy users may be aware that each Individual Training Video can be searched via the captions/subtitles features but with the addition of the Quick Reference Document users can now search the content of the entire course to find the exact point in the lesson and video that covers the particular feature that they are interested in, all within just a few seconds.

Masterbill are committed to continue expanding the use of the Masterbill Academy with more Training Courses and Masterclasses scheduled for release in 2021 and we have even got some additional ideas to make it even more useful so you will want to

Watch this Space!


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