QSCadv4 Drawing Management Masterclass - now available!
We are pleased to announce the release of our first QSCadv4 Masterclass.

The QSCadv4 Drawing Management Masterclass includes all you need to know to enable you to compare and combine CAD and PDF drawings using the Drawing Management features of QSCadv4.
Masterclasses are designed to enable you to increase your knowledge of a specific set of QSCadv4 features and provide you with a couple of hours of CPD.

The Drawing Management Masterclass consists of seven lessons with almost an hour of Training Videos, a Quiz and a 'Try It Yourself' exercise. QSCadv4 users who complete the course will soon be able to undertake Drawing Management with confidence.
Lessons include...
Comparing drawings
Combining CAD drawings
Combining CAD and PDF drawings
Combining PDF drawings
Scaling Drawings
To find out more about this Masterclass and all that it includes why not take a look at the Masterclass Introduction Video
All Masterbill Academy courses include a Comprehensive Training Manual, Searchable Videos, and a Quick Reference document to enable you to use it as a reference for years to come.
We plan this to be the first of a number of QSCadv4 Mastrclasses with the following topics scheduled to be included soon...
QSCadv4 Components
QSCadv4 Masterbill Elite Integration
If you have any questions or require a quotation for this Masterclass please do not hesitate to Contact Us.